put https://api.sandbox.payments.stonex.com/api/v/trade//requestcancel
This Request Cancel API allows you to request the cancellation of a previously booked Foreign Exchange (FX) trades by providing the fxId
. The request is acknowledged immediately but requires manual input by our trading team.
The final status of the cancellation will be reflected in the FX trade status, which can be obtained via the Status API.
URL: /api/v{version}/trade/{fxId}/requestcancel
Method: PUT
: Unique identifier provided by StoneX for the tradereason
: Mandatory field required in the required body. You can add the reason for cancellation here.
Example request
"reason": "Paid by mistake, please cancel the trade"
HTTP : 202 Accepted
Message: Cancellation Acknowledgement, Please give us a few minutes to process this trade.