Webhooks allow the system to push notifications of particular system events without the client having to the submit repeated requests for information.

Our webhooks allow our API clients to receive real-time notifications for changes in trade status, reimbursement status, payment status, Swift GPI status & GPI codes of an ongoing payment.

Using this endpoint, you can create a new Webhook connection, by providing a URL where StoneX will push your payment status notifications.


Method Type: POST

Mandatory fields:

  • eventType: Type of webhook event. Currently we only support one event type: PaymentStatusChanged. You can use this to receive all the status changes related to your ongoing payment
  • url: The URL where you want StoneX to send push notifictaions to.
  • isActive: Set to either true or false

Example Request

  "eventType": "PaymentStatusChanged",
  "url": "https://webhook.site/d1d51d03-9af7-4d9e-9d18-77037831a99999",
  "isActive": true


A successful response with a HTTP 201 status confirms the creation of the new webhook connection.

Http Status: 201 Created

Example Response

    "clientId": "TEST CLIENT",
    "isActive": true,
    "webhookEventType": "PaymentStatusChanged",
    "url": "https://webhook.site/d1d51d03-9af7-4d9e-9d18-77037831a99999",
    "id": "678f866e853c889d0d449d87",
    "createdDate": "2025-01-21T11:35:10.9736021Z",
    "modifiedDate": "2025-01-21T11:35:10.9736433Z",
    "createdBy": "StoneX Payments",
    "modifiedBy": "StoneX Payments",
    "optimisticVersion": 1
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!