This endpoint gives you the ability to publish MT or MX messages to the Swift network.


You can provide the Swift message as a string in the request body.

curl --location '' \
		 --header 'userName: yourUsername' \
     --header 'password: yourPassword' \
     --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \
     --data '{1:F01BANKBEBBAXXX2222123146}{2:I202BANKDEFFXBRAU3003}{3:{108:PRIORITY 2}}{4:\n:20:FILEREF1\n:21R:UKSUPPLIER990901\n:28D:1/1\n:50H:/8754219990\nMAG-NUM INC.GENERAL A/C\nBANHOFFSTRASSE 30\nZURICH, SWITZERLAND\n:30:130905\n:59:/1091282Beneficiary 1\n:71A:OUR\n:21:TRANSREF1\n:32B:GBP12500,\n-}'


HTTP Status CodeDescriptionMessage
200SuccessMessage published
401UnauthorizedIncorrect user or password!!!
400Bad requestUser Name in the request header is mandatory
400Bad requestPassword in the request header is mandatory
400Bad requestSWIFT message in the request body is mandatory
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!