The Quote API allows you to request quotes for foreign exchange (FX) trades. By providing the buy and sell currency codes, you can obtain a quote that includes the rate, expiry time, and value date for the payment.


To request a quote, specify the buy and sell currency codes and either the buy amount or the sell amount. You cannot provide both amounts in the same request.

Request Body:

  • Required Fields:
    • sellCurrency: The ISO currency code of the currency you are selling.
    • buyCurrency: The ISO currency code of the currency you are buying.
  • Optional Fields:
    • sellAmount: The amount of the sell currency you are trading.
    • buyAmount: The amount of the buy currency you want to receive.

  "sellCurrency": "USD",  
  "buyCurrency": "KES",  
  "sellAmount": 100  

  "sellCurrency": "USD",  
  "buyCurrency": "KES",  
  "buyAmount": 10000  


Upon a successful request, the API will return a quoteId along with details of the rate, fee, and other relevant information.

    "quoteId": "9e2fd202-7cb1-45de-b65a-68c1e217487e",  
    "sellCurrency": "USD",  
    "buyCurrency": "KES",  
    "sellAmount": 100,  
    "buyAmount": 12710.44,  
    "rate": 127.1044,  
    "fee": 0,  
    "createdTime": "2024-09-11T13:16:50.0509192Z",  
    "quoteExpiry": "2024-09-11T13:20:11.0004256Z",  
    "valueDate": "2024-09-13"  


  • quoteId: A unique identifier for the quote.
  • sellCurrency: The currency being sold.
  • buyCurrency: The currency being bought.
  • sellAmount: The amount of the sell currency.
  • buyAmount: The amount of the buy currency.
  • rate: The exchange rate for the trade.
  • fee: Any applicable fee for the trade.
  • createdTime: The timestamp when the quote was created.
  • quoteExpiry: The time until the quote is valid.
  • valueDate: The date when the payment will be settled.


  • Prepare Request: Include the buyCurrency and sellCurrency codes, and provide either buyAmount or sellAmount in the request body.
  • Request Quote: Send a POST request to the endpoint to obtain a quoteId.
  • Book Trade: Use the quoteId provided in the response to book the trade. Ensure that the trade is completed before the quoteExpiry time.


  • Currency Codes: Ensure currency codes are in ISO 4217 format (e.g., USD, EUR, KES).
  • Amounts: You can provide only one of buyAmount or sellAmount in the request.
  • Quote Expiry: The quoteExpiry indicates when the quote will no longer be valid.
  • Value Date: The valueDate specifies when the payment will be settled.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!