HTTP Status CodeError CodeError DescriptionRecommended handling
201NoneCreatedWe will return a 201 after a successful POST where a resource was created.
202NoneAcceptedRequested accepted for processing but has not been finished yet. For example when you submit a Cancel Request for a trade.
400NoneBad RequestThe request contains invalid data. Check the request for invalid data before resubmitting the request.
401NoneUnauthorizedUnauthorized. You have not included a valid Access token. It may have expired or you entered incorrect credentials.
404NoneResource not found
408NoneRequest Timeout
429NoneExceeded Rate Limit
503NoneServer not available or under maintenance.
500TRD00003Invalid Currency CodeCheck the currency code in the request and retry with a valid ISO currency code
500TRD00004Currency Code is available but inactiveContact your account manager to discuss your currency requirement
500TRD00005Currency not configuredThis currency is not set up on your account. Contact your account manager to discuss.
500TRD00006Amount cannot be zeroRetry with a non-zero amount
500TRD00008Unable to price
500TRD00011Invalid Quote IdTry again with a valid quoteId. If quoteId has expired, you may need to request another quoteId
500TRD00012Quote Id expiredTry again with a valid Quote Id
500TRD00014Request should have either buy or sell amount not bothTry submitting the Rate/Trade request with only one of Buy or Sell amount.
500TRD00015Either buy or sell amount required for trade bookingIf the quote request didn't contain an amount, then the trade booking request needs to have one of buy or sell amounts
500TRD00016Trade amount doesn't match quote amountUse the same Currency and Amount when booking a trade with quoteId that was used for generating the quoteId.
500TRD00021Unable to book tradeRetry after 60 seconds
500TRD00023Same currency trade not allowedThis usually happens when your account has not been set up for same currency trades. Contact your account manager to discuss setting this up.
500TRD90002Request already under progress
500TRD00003Trade has already been cancelled
500TRD90004Trade could not be cancelled
500WEB0001optimistic version error