HTTP Status CodeError CodeError DescriptionRecommended handling
201NoneCreatedWe will return a 201 after a successful POST where a resource was created.
202NoneAcceptedRequested accepted for processing but has not been finished yet. For example when you submit a Cancel Request for a trade.
400NoneBad RequestThe request contains invalid data. Check the request for invalid data before resubmitting the request.
401NoneUnauthorizedUnauthorized. You have not included a valid Access token. It may have expired or you entered incorrect credentials.
404NoneResource not found
408NoneRequest Timeout
429NoneExceeded Rate Limit
503NoneServer not available or under maintenance.
400TRD00003Invalid Currency CodeCheck the currency code in the request and retry with a valid ISO currency code
400TRD00004Currency Code is available but inactiveContact your account manager to discuss your currency requirement
400TRD00005Currency not configuredThis currency is not set up on your account. Contact your account manager to discuss.
400TRD00006Amount cannot be zeroThis is returned when you don't provide either buyAmount or sellAmount when requesting a Quote Retry with a non-zero amount in one of these fields.
400TRD00008Unable to priceThis happens when we are unable to price a quote. Please show an error and retry. If error persists, you can display a holding message such as 'Service Unavailable'
400TRD00011Invalid Quote IdThis happens when you try to book a trade with a quoteId which is not valid. Try again with a valid quoteId.
400TRD00012Quote Id expiredThis happens when the quoteId has expired. Try again with a valid Quote Id
400TRD00014Request should have either buy or sell amount not bothTry submitting the Rate/Trade request with only one of Buy or Sell amount.
400TRD00021Unable to book tradeThis happens when we are unable to book a trade. Please show an error and retry. If error persists, you can display a holding message such as 'Service Unavailable'
400TRD00023Same currency trade not allowedThis usually happens when your account has not been set up for same currency trades. Contact your account manager to discuss setting this up.
400TRD90002Request already under progressThis happens when you try to cancel a trade that's already been requested for cancellation. Call the Status API to check the latest status of the trade
400TRD90003Trade has already been cancelledThis happens when you try to cancel a trade that's already cancelled. You can check the latest trade status by calling the Status API
400TRD90004Trade could not be cancelledThis will occur if we are not able to process your cancellation request
400INS00001Trade cannot be foundThis happens when you try to instruct payments with an invalid fxid . Try again with a valid fxId
400INS00002Same Currency Payments cannot contain fxId in requestThis happens when you try to instruct payments for same currency (Buy and Sell Currency are spot) with an fxid
400INS00003Buy and Sell Currency should be same for same currency paymentsThis happens when you try to instruct payments for same currency but provide different CCY codes in the instruct API
400INS00004Buy and Sell Amounts should be same for same currency paymentsThis happens when you try to instruct payments for same currency but provide different Buy and Sell amounts in the instruct API
400INS00005fxId is already linked with instructionsThis happens when you try to instruct payments with a fxId where we already have an instructed linked to that fxid
400INS00006Invalid BIC or IBANThis happens when you instruct a payment with an invalid BIC or IBAN. Try again with a valid BIC or IBAN
400WEB0001optimistic version errorThis can happen for update operations where we support optimistic locking using the optimisticVersion property: if the optimisticVersion property is in the request body and it does not match the current optimisticVersion, then the request fails with an optimistic lock error. In that case the caller should again get the latest optimisticVersion, apply the changes and try the request again.