This endpoint can be used to request payment disclosure details for regulatory compliance with Dodd-Frank regulations. The API takes the fxId
in the request and returns the details of the payment including beneficiary details, debtor details, payment fees and payment date.
Disclosures will only be returned for payments that have been booked as Dodd-Frank payments.
How to book a Dodd-Frank Trade
To book a Dodd-Frank trade, you will need to provide an additional field in the Trade Booking API request. See example trade booking request below:
"quoteId": "95795b92-db45-4d91-935f-36ebacc08b75",
"doddFrank": true
Once a trade has been booked with the Dodd-Frank flag as true, and payment instructions have been submitted, you can call this endpoint to get the disclosure details of the payment.
URL: /api/v{version}/trade/{fxId}/doddfrankdisclosure
Method: GET
: Unique identifier of the FX payment for which the disclosure is requested.
The response will be in JSON format and contain the details for the payment including:
- Beneficiary Details
- Beneficiary Address
- Beneficiary Bank details
- Trade date
- Value date
- Buy Amount & currency
- Sell Amount & currency
- Fee
- Rate applied
- Debtor details
- Debtor Address
Sample response
A sample response for the Get Disclosure API will look as below:
"paymentDateTime": null,
"beneficiary": {
"contactDetails": null,
"name": "Raushan Singh",
"address": {
"buildingNo": "123",
"buildingName": "DLF",
"floor": "13",
"street": "MG Road",
"city": "New Delhi",
"district": "New Delhi",
"postalCode": "110096",
"state": "New Delhi",
"countryCode": "IN",
"addressLines": null
"identification": null,
"countryOfResidence": "IN",
"partyType": "",
"taxId": null,
"registrationIdentification": null,
"taxType": null,
"otherRoutingCode": null
"beneficiaryBank": {
"routingCode": "ICIC0000985",
"routingCodeType": null,
"name": "ICICI BANK LTD",
"address": {
"buildingNo": null,
"buildingName": null,
"floor": null,
"street": "SHOP NO. 2, SAI PRESTIGE",
"city": "Pune",
"district": null,
"postalCode": "",
"state": null,
"countryCode": "IN",
"addressLines": null
"accountName": null,
"accountNumber": null,
"branchCode": null,
"branchName": null,
"branchNumber": null,
"otherRoutingCode": null,
"taxId": null,
"additionalBankCode": null,
"recordKey": null
"fxId": 4845523,
"tradeDate": "2025-01-14",
"valueDate": "2025-01-16",
"clientBuyAmount": 9338.66,
"clientSellAmount": 110,
"fee": 0,
"paymentTotal": 110,
"rate": 84.8969,
"clientBuyCurrency": "INR",
"clientSellCurrency": "USD",
"debtor": {
"contactDetails": {
"firstName": "StoneX",
"lastName": "Payments",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"telephone": {
"countrycode": "IN",
"phonenumber": null
"mobilephone": {
"countrycode": "IN",
"phonenumber": null
"address": {
"buildingNo": "",
"buildingName": "",
"floor": "",
"street": "We Work Galaxy MG Road addd",
"city": "Bangalore",
"district": "",
"postalCode": "560001",
"state": "Karnataka",
"countryCode": "IN",
"addressLines": [
" We Work Galaxy MG Road addd",
"Bangalore Karnataka",
"IN 560001"
"identification": null,
"countryOfResidence": "IN",
"partyType": "",
"taxId": null,
"registrationIdentification": null,
"taxType": null,
"otherRoutingCode": null