The Status API retrieves the status of a Foreign Exchange (FX) payment using the fxId provided in the request URL. The response includes details such as the trade status, reimbursement status, payment status, and other relevant fields such as GPI code and GPI status (when available).


URL: /api/v{version}/trade/{fxId}/status

Method: GET

  • fxId: Unique identifier of the FX payment for which the status is requested.


The response will be in JSON format and contain the following fields:

Field NameTypeDescription
fxIdStringUnique internal identifier for the trade generated by StoneX
clientReferenceStringExternal client reference
tradeStatusStringStatus of the FX trade
uetrStringEnd to End tracking code generated by StoneX
reimbursementStatusStringReimbursement status of the trade
paymentStatusStringPayment status of the instruction
paymentStatusDescriptionStringDetailed status of the payment instruction
gpiCodeStringSwift GPI code
gpiStatusStringSwift GPI status
valueDateDate(YYYY-MM-DD)Value date of the payment

Trade Status Values

PENDINGWe have received the trade but it hasn't been executed
PENDINGINSTRUCTIONThe foreign exchange trade has been executed but payment instruction is not received
EXECUTEDPayment instruction has been received and executed for the trade
CANCELLATIONREQUESTEDYou have requested to cancel the trade and this is under review
CANCELLEDThe trade has been cancelled

Reimbursement Status Values

PENDINGReimbursement for the trade is pending.
SETTLEDReimbursement for the trade is completed.

Payment Status Values

ProcessingStoneX processing the payment
ReleasedReleased to the local banking network
InProgressIn progress within the local banking network
CompletedDelivered to the beneficiary’s account
RejectedRejected by the local banking network
InvalidIssue encountered within Swift GPI
CancelledThe payment has been cancelled
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!